

CI/CD for Terraform is tricky. To make life easier, specialised CI systems aka TACOS exist - Terraform Cloud, Spacelift, Atlantis, etc.

But why have 2 CI systems? Why not reuse the async jobs infrastructure with compute, orchestration, logs, etc of your existing CI?

Digger runs terraform natively in your CI. This is:

Digger backend Helm Chart

Installation steps

The installation must be executed in two steps, as explaned in the Digger official documentation:

  1. Install the helm chart leaving empty all the data related to the GitHub App
  2. Go to your_digger_hostname/github/setup to install and configure the GitHub App
  3. Configure in the helm values or in the external secret all the data related to the new GitHub app and upgrade the helm installation to reload the Digger application with the new configuration

Configuration Details

To configure the Digger backend deployment with the Helm chart, you’ll need to set several values in the values.yaml file. Below are the key configurations to consider:

Remember to replace placeholders and default values with your specific, sensitive information before deploying the chart. For example, it’s essential to generate a strong bearerAuthToken and postgresPassword rather than using the defaults for security reasons.

You can also deploy a PostgreSQL database ONLY FOR TEST PURPOSES configuring the postgres.* section: